
1979 - Emigration to Venezuela, where Moises Flores gets to know the music of this country. Foundation of INKARI group - a fusion of Andean and Venezuelan music and folklore from the Andes. In gratitude for the wonderful collaboration with some well known musicians, he dedicates one of his compositions "Hermanos bolivarianos" to them. 
Moises Flores was invited to the French Antilles in 1989 to teach music from the Andes. In the same year he travels to Europe, where he plays in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Together with the Mexican singer Adelita Fragoso Gonzales, the duo INKAZTEKA was born. Their compositions combine two of the great musical traditions of Latin America. The duo performs at various concerts in Europe, the French Antilles and then travels to Cuernavaca (Mexico). There, Moises Flores deepens his knowledge of Mexican music.
Back in Zurich, the group INKARAL was founded in 1998, the name is a homage to the Peruvian culture Caral (5000 BC). Moises Flores works with musicians from different parts of Latin America.

INKARAL plays music from the Andes, TROPICAL FLORES makes a gesture to dance and MARIACHI FLORES delights listeners with Mexican music. They work for organizations promoting cultural coexistence, in churches, at school neighborhood and village festivals, in restaurants and hotels and are engaged for weddings, in church, Misa Criolla and birthday parties.